Hansella 126D Solvomat dissolver, good condition, price euro 10.000 Ex Works….

Bosch 110 C toffee cooker, manufactured year 1.984, 150 Kg/batch capacity, this is about 3.000 Kg/8 hour. Price EUR. 20.000 Ex Works….

Klockner Hansel cooking system, type Siedomat Turbomix, for several types of candies, this is hard candy, soft candy, aerated, nougat and yogurt candy…1.000 Kg/hour capacity, manufactured year 2.005, price EUR. 150.000 Ex Works….

Baker Perkins 20JP microfilm cooker, 500 Kg per hour capacity, manufactured year 1.955, it is one only type of cooker manufactured by those years known. Priced at euro 25.000 Ex Works….

Ter Braak hard candy cooker, 750 Kg / hour capacity, with vacuum pump, it is similar to 145 A Hansella cooker. Priced euros Ex Works. 25.000.-…

Hansella 135 b continuous cooker for depositing plants , rebuilt to make a cord of candy to suit depositors , from year 1985 , including microfilm system working and empty pump , 4000 kg/ 8 hours of performance , priced at euros 4.000 Ex Works….

Otto Hansel hard candy cooker, 8704 sucroliner model, manufactured year 1.977 but rebuilt with complete overhaul for running condition in 2013 , 850 Kg/hour capacity, with vacuum pump. Price euro 30.000 Ex Works.Sold…

Pedro Prat hard and soft candy cooker , for about 1.500 kg / 8 hours of production with vacuum pump.Euros 15.000 ….

2 x Hofberger toffee candy, 300 Kg capacity, complete stainless steel, manufactured year 1.993, Price euro Ex Works 25.000 each one….

Golden Eagle Machinery & Equipment CO, LTDA deposited chocolate complete line to produce chocolate tablet, chocolate with praline, chocolate with nuts or chocolate with puffed rice, manufactured year 2.010, 1.500 to 3.000 tablets/hour capacity dependig of grams of product. Bar sizes, 95 mm wide x 185 mm long, the lin……

Deposited lollipop complete line, manufactured year 2.000, including cooling unit with comperssor, three sets of mould, oval, round, and lollipop, it does not have automatic stick station but it can be added separately. Price euro 180.000 Ex Works. …

Full factory for sale to produce pannetones, manufactured year of equipments from1998 to 2006, including, 2 x Pietroberto mixers 600 litres capacity, 6 x Pietroberto mixers 300 litres, elevator, 2 x BENIER dividers, rolls, injectors, 2 x ovens built by POLIN around 35 metres long, coolers (quick system), full line for……

Nuova Euromec star apollo hard candy line , year 1997 but never used condition like brand new , includinf batch roller , rope sizer , apollo chain die forming machine with dies and euroemc cooler , euros 145.000 ….

Nagema EW5 chewing gum production line, including batch roller, rope sizer and double twist EW5 Nagema cut & wrap machine, manufactured year 1991, price euro 39.000 Ex Works….

Hansella / Bosch hard candy forming line , including 19 k batch roller + 65 D rope sizer 4 stages +160 A uniplast former with 2 dies + 71 E 3 tie cooler , all line installed and good condition , year 1978 , priced euro 45.000 , ex works ….

Demareux Sig Robot (x4) cookies pickerline, width: 200 cm excl. in belt, height: everything 285 cm Belts: 94 cm, length: everything: 1302 cm, each robot: 200 cm, out belt width: 30 cm & 42 cm, 10x in belts width: 27 cm, 10x in belts length: 268 cm. Electrical and mechanics documentation including. Price Euro 40.000 Ex ……
